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Loss of a Secure Future

Abodes of men irregularly massed 
Like trees in forests,
- spread through spacious tracts.
O’er which the smoke of unremitting fires 
Hangs permanent, and plentiful as wreaths 
Of vapour glittering in the morning sun. 
And, wheresoe’er the traveller turns his steps 
He sees the barren wilderness erased, 
Or disappearing


I grieve, when on the darker side 
Of this great change I look; and there behold 
Such outrage done to nature as compels 
The indignant power to justify herself; 
Yea, to avenge her violated rights. 
For England’s bane.

William Wordsworth (1814)
The Excursion (extract)

A small copse of eerie trees with pale bark and ghostly grey-green foliage.

The world is changing rapidly. The global population is booming, cities are expanding, and the world is becoming more industrial. We are losing our green spaces. Climate change, driven by relentless emissions, disrupts our planet's balance; according to NASA, the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record. Deforestation continues at an alarming rate, erasing habitats and worsening the crisis.

These images, with a looming red sky, suggest a bleak future. Our once-thriving green spaces and vast blue skies could be replaced with desolation and decay. Nature is being strangled and choked by our emissions and we are destroying the world around us in the name of progress. We are sacrificing our future for the sake of our present. The world cannot sustain us.

What happens next is up to us; if we can unite and take immediate global action, we may be able to secure a hopeful future. If we cannot... perhaps that hope is already lost.

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